Monday, June 8, 2015


Hi everyone! 

Wow. What a week! The Lord is building up His kingdom here in Henderson, NV, and I get to be a part of it! 

We've continued meeting with Ivan, and he is just the best. His baptism will be this Saturday! The ward has been very involved in helping since his baptism will be a little unorthodox (since he is missing his legs). It's been awesome to see everyone pitch right in and be willing to do whatever needs to happen. Ivan has so much faith. I swear, he's the one teaching me every time we go there. He got the Gospel Principles book last week and reads it whenever he's not reading the Book of Mormon. He's almost finished. 

Tiyannah and Al were baptized and confirmed this weekend! They are amazing youth with a determination to serve the Lord. Both of them are already planning on serving missions! 

We met a referral from the mission named Brandy this week. We got to her door and she said, "How did you know to come see me?!" She was pretty excited we were there. He mother just passed away, so we had an amazing lesson on the Plan of Salvation. She is determined to read the Book of Mormon and find out more! We'll see where it goes! Thank you, member missionaries!

On Saturday night we were leaving Si'i's apartment after teaching a new member lesson, and we ran into Sister Bench who lives in the same complex. She said, "Hey, Sisters! You want a missionary opportunity? Follow me!" So, of course, we followed! She introduced us to a young single mom who lives there also. Her boyfriend just went to jail, and she's feeling very alone. Her name is Bre. She said she was raised going to an LDS church, but she was never baptized. She wanted to come to church and meet with us as soon as possible! We played it pretty cool rather than dancing the victory dance we felt like doing! That took place in the car as we drove away :) Once again, thank you, member missionaries!

Yesterday we had an awesome missionary musical testimony meeting all focused on Christ. Our zone had such a good turn out. We had a less active member from our ward go, the Perez family, and Ivan and his daughters. It was so good! I really needed it. I was filled with such reverence and awe for the Lord, my calling, the faith of the members and investigators we have, the life experiences that have made me who I am, the people I hold dear in my life, and eternity as a whole. I am so grateful for an eternity to know that I am a daughter of a King who loves me and will help me succeed! I'm grateful to have an eternity with the ones I love! To grow, to learn, to love, to serve. Having this truth gives me so much confidence in my purpose!

I can't wait to someday take what I'm learning here and implement it in my own family. I want my family to be a full-purpose ward builder family! I want them to know who they are and why they are here. I want them to be like the sons of Mosiah, who could not bare the thought of another soul suffering without the gospel in their lives. I want them to have charity, and the courage to share God's love with everyone. I hope I can cultivate and retain all of these things in my personal life and be who God intended me to be, forever being a missionary. I love this work with all my heart, and I won't ever stop. 

I love you all! Have a blessed week! Look for the miracles. I promise they are there!

Love, Sister Porter

QUOTE: "Our commitment is supposed to be a test, it's supposed to be hard, it's supposed to be impractical in the terms of this world." -Hugh W. Nibley

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