Monday, June 22, 2015

Death Valley, Sin City, Saint City, whatever you want to call it, IT'S HOT. (06-22-2015)

This week we hit 118 degrees. Oofda!

So, I'm pretty torn, because I feel like we had a super awesome week! We worked so hard! And at the same time, I feel like we have nothing to show for it. But a quote I found recently has really helped me. It says, "Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap, but by the seeds you plant." I'm becoming a great seed planter! 

We stopped at the Davis family home this week to meet them, not knowing that Sister Davis had just passed away last week. They have been less-active in the ward, and many of their family members who were there are not members of the church, but we were able to briefly share a spiritual thought to bring them some comfort. The Lord works in mysterious ways, and he comprehends what we can not. 

Some of the people we are working with are:
Isaiah and Jacob Sanford (brothers, 8 & 10)
The Denton family
The Diaz family
The Nicolosi family
Afa (Si'i's brother in law)
Adelina and Dana (Ivan's daughters)

These people are all amazing! Please pray for them. The Sanford brothers have a dad who is a member, and he and his wife were baptized about 5 years ago, then his wife passed away. He remarried pretty recently, and his new wife isn't a member. She is staunch Catholic (even though she doesn't necessarily practice it) and has little interest in the church, but at least she's fine with the boys learning and being baptized! Hopefully her heart will be softened as they continue to learn and grow in the gospel. Something way cool about it all is that the boys have high functioning autism, so I am loving working with them! The Lord is certainly preparing people just for me to teach. 

We had a great lesson with Afa this week! We found out that he is a musician, and loves to sing, play piano and guitar! Just like me! So he brought out his guitar and we all sang "How Great Thou Art" all in parts. It was awesome! Then I got to play the guitar for a bit. I'm getting pretty rusty already! :( 

Ivan is doing so well! We went to see him yesterday, and we are now starting to teach his teenage daughters, and he has requested that missionaries be sent to his wife who is still living in Belize working. They are an awesome family! He has the best stories, and the best perspective on life, and the best accent! It's fun to talk to him. The man in the picture was his brother, Franklin, who lives here in Henderson with his family. He is showing a little interest in the church now too, but he's not in our area so I don't know how much the elders have been able to teach. 

The Perez family is doing well also! Angela's sister had a baby yesterday, and Angela and Edwin are going to adopt him. It's so exciting! Edwin came to help us teach a lesson this week, and he was just on fire! He is not afraid to talk to anyone about the gospel. I'm so excited for when they will be able to go to the temple, and I will be here to go with them! 

I love you all! Keep on keeping on! The Lord will do it with you. 

Love, Sister Porter

"I'm not asking you to pretend to have faith you do not have. I am asking you to be true to the faith you do have." -Jeffrey R. Holland

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