Monday, June 15, 2015

If I ever become one of those missionaries who talks out of the side of their mouth...just slap me. (6-15-2015)

Hello people! I hope you're all having a great day! 

Oh my goodness, so many adventures this week! On Wednesday we went on exchanges, so I went to Boulder City with Sister DeFrietas. It was awesome! We talked to a shirtless man who looked like Buddha, and he just wanted to challenge us. But I found him really amusing. It's a good thing I'm not easily flustered. 

Ivan's baptism was this week! Sister Unsted and I went to fill the font and get everything prepared. Ivan has both legs amputated just a little below his knees, so he was going to have to sit on the bottom of the baptismal font for his baptism. Sis Unsted sat down while it was still dry so we could put a marker on the wall to determine how deep the water needed to be (about 3 feet). Well, we got it filled to that point, then I reached in and felt it, and it was so cold! We still had some time so we decided to empty it a bit so we could fill it with more hot water. So I hiked up my skirt and reached down to unplug the font, then plug it again after a minute. We filled it up the rest of the way and everything was fine! The baptism began beautifully, and we waited until Ivan was in the water before opening the font doors. When the doors were opened we could see there was only about a foot of water!  Oh crud! Apparently the plug hadn't sealed. They tried doing it anyway, but there wasn't enough water. So we had to shut the doors and Ivan just sat there for about 10 minutes while we filled it up more. Then it took 3 more times to get his whole body under because his legs kept floating to the top since there wasn't enough counter weight. Good thing all of us had a good sense of humor and Ivan is the most patient, Christ-like man alive! Then, at the close of the baptism, I was leading the closing hymn, "Onward, Christian Soldiers," ...and it just was dead. It felt more like a funeral than a baptism! Some people weren't even singing, and others were just mumbling the words. So before the last verse I stopped and said, "Let's sing like the gospel is true!" Everyone lit up! People sat up straight in their chairs and smiled as they sang, 

"Onward, then, ye people; Join our happy throng. Blend with ours your voices in the triumph song: Glory, laud, and honor unto Christ the King. This through countless ages, men and angels sing. Onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war, with the cross of Jesus, going on before."

It was wonderful. Then in Sacrament meeting the next day, the brother conducting said as he announced the hymn, "And as we were reminded yesterday, lets sing like the church is true!" It was pretty funny. I really love this area! I'm already dreading the day I'll have to leave! 

In the same Sacrament meeting, a young man was speaking in preparation to leave for his mission this week, and he parents also spoke. It was a very touching meeting. They are from American Samoa, and they had a LOT of family there! Everyone in the family, and in the bishopric, was wearing leis around their necks, and part of the father's talk he gave in Samoan. But the end of the meeting I just wanted to stand up with both fists in the air shouting, "Hurrah for Israel!" Just like Elder Kolipoki on "The Other Side of Heaven." It was awesome. 

Some of our investigators are having a hard time keeping their commitments and progressing, even thought they know it's true. Keep them in your prayers. 

Please don't forget what a privilege it is to be a member in the Lord's kingdom and a missionary at all times! I'm so grateful for my dad in being an awesome example of missionary work to me all of my life. He has never hesitated to talk to someone about the gospel or leave a pass along card. As Father's Day approaches, I am filled with gratitude for not only an amazing earthy father, but also my Heavenly Father. I want to honor Him with all that I am. I am so grateful to know that I am a daughter of a King, and that I have infinite potential in his kingdom! And for as much as I believe in Him, He believes in me so much more. He is yearning to bless us, comfort us, and guide us by the hand as we humble ourselves and recognize our place in this marvelous work. Don't give up! Just look up :) 

I love you all! Have a splendid week!

Love, Sister Porter

"I sought my soul, but my soul I could not see. 
I sought my God, but my God eluded me.
I sough my brother, and I found all three."

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