Monday, June 1, 2015

First week of transfer numero dos! (6-01-2015)

Hello, all you wonderful people! 

So, this week has been good! The Fairview ward is on fire! Since Sister Unsted got here we have found 7 new investigators in that ward and we had a total of 31 lessons this week! Calico Ridge is struggling a bit... It is made up of a lot of gated communities which we are not allowed to proselyte in, so that makes it harder. Our only really way to be successful is through the members. So hopefully our enthusiasm for the work will spread a little bit and we can find more souls to bring unto Christ as the ward helps us out a bit. Our vision as a zone is to be full-purpose ward builders! 

We were teaching a recent convert, Chris Cooper, this week, and he just is so fun to teach! He was very impressed by my talk last week, and he brings it up every time he sees me now. So we were teaching him and something was said about how no one is perfect, and he stopped and said, "Except for Sister Porter! She is as close to perfect as it gets! She's the Mormonest Mormon there ever was!" I was dying laughing! Probably just because of the "Molly Mormon" label I've carried a lot of my life. But I am NOT perfect. At all. I'm just a sinner who keeps on trying (Nelson Mandel). I've created a little reminder for myself... "AAA"... triple A... "Apply the Atonement Always." Anytime I get a little down or frustrated, I remind myself of this. "Triple A, Sister Porter!" It works :) 

Another funny moment from this week... The other night we were on the phone with a man who was a referral for us. We were setting up a time to meet, and he said he just wanted to ask us a quick question. His question was why we now observe the Sabbath on Sundays rather than Saturdays as was the tradition of the Jews when Christ was on the Earth. We explained a bit about it being because of the Resurrection, how Christ was raised from the dead on Sunday, and with his atonement the law of Moses was fulfilled. We told him God has revealed that the Sabbath day is to be on Sunday, and he said, "Does God have the authority to change that day?!" I lost it! My body was shaking in silent fits of laughter as Sister Unsted answered, "Why, yes, he does!" It was pretty great. We will be meeting him in person tomorrow, so we will see how it goes! 

This Saturday Tiyannah and Al (Edwin and Angela's children) will be baptized! I'm so excited! They are so ready. Al (12) can pretty much teach the lessons to us at this point! And Tiy (13) really wants to be a missionary! They are the neatest! 

We have also started teaching Ivan, a double amputee from Belize! He will be baptized next week, June 13! He is probably the most golden investigator I will ever find. He is so convinced that Joseph Smith was a prophet, that the Book of Mormon is true, and that this is the Lord's true church. I'm so grateful for humble people who are so willing to listen to the Spirit!

I'm striving to be more humble in all I do. Satan is sneaky, and pride is how he truly gets us! I've been praying to be more humble, and I know he's helping me! Thank you for all your prayers! I love each of you so much!

Love, Sister Porter

QUOTE: "Humility is not thinking less of yourself. It's thinking of yourself less." C.S. Lewis

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