Monday, May 4, 2015

It's windy here, and we wear skirts. (05-04-2015)

Hey friends and family!

Well, it's been another week already! I can't even believe it! Friday was my 1 month mark for being a missionary! What?! Craziness. It's already flying by. We are so busy! We don't even have time to try to find more investigators because of the ones we already have and all of the referrals we get every day! It's great! 

We are also having fun. Last Preparation day our district went to a chocolate factory nearby,
so that was good! I really like my district. Then today a member took Sister Martin, another set of sisters, and I to the Hoover Dam. It's good to get a change of pace every now and then! 

Being myself and still being a missionary!

I've figured out how to be myself and still be a missionary, so that's good. Up to that point was kind of stressful. But I've figured out some new outlets for stress and I've been able to incorporate my sense of humor, which just makes me a much better missionary! 

We got to go to the temple on Friday with President and Sister Snow! We go as new missionaries together, and then we get to go  quarterly. It was so wonderful! The temple is gorgeous here! Afterwards we all had lunch together and took pictures. Then Saturday we had Zone Training Council, and that was so great! I got to know my zone a bit better and we had some really constructive discussions. We want to become a Zion Zone, or a zONE! Clever, huh? 

The Poulo Family!
Edwin and Angela Perez were baptized on Saturday and confirmed yesterday!!! Woohoo!!! They are the coolest couple, and they have an awesome family. The next step is to teach their older kids (11 & 13) so they can be baptized too. They are on fire with the gospel! I hope I continue to find people just like them all through my mission. Peter was drunk again 2 of the times we went to see him this week :( It's so sad. He's been drinking since he was 9, and his body just can't handle the withdrawals if he stops. Si'i Poulo is going to be baptized this Saturday! And her husband, who hasn't been very interested, came to church with her yesterday! They have 3 gorgeous girls who are 5, 4, and 2. They love church. They were running late to the meetings, but we had saved them a spot on the pew next to us. Then another family who was recently baptized came in and took the spot we had saved... we looked around and there was literally no where to sit. The chapel was so full because a couple in the ward was blessing their baby that day and there were tons of people visiting. We didn't know what to do! The baby blessing happened, and the Poulo family still wasn't there. As they came in we looked at them afraid we wouldn't have anywhere for them to sit, and lo and behold the bench behind us had opened up! A family who had been sitting there left as soon as the blessing was over. Miracle! Miracles happen every day. God is pretty awesome like that. 

Well, the work moves on! We are working hard! I love it! I'm bracing myself for the heat. Our car said that it got up to 109 degrees this week, but I'm pretty sure it's off. In any case, it's getting hotter. Pray for me! 

I love you all!!! 

Love, Sister Porter

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