Monday, May 11, 2015

You know you're in NV when...(05-11-2015)

You know you're in NV when... you do yard work, and it just consists of moving rocks, and you start to think, "Oh those are some nice looking rocks!", or when you think, "That's a really nice shade of brown!"

Hello friends and family!

So, this week felt kind of dead. We have a LOT of new investigators, but we're struggling with getting them to progress. We are also trying to get in contact with all of the referrals we've received, and that's a chore all in itself! But it means we stay busy!

Saturday was Si'i's baptism! It was absolutely beautiful. As she went down into the water, my companion and I were at the top of the stairs of the font waiting with her towel. I couldn't help crying. She is the most beautiful example of pure faith and love for our Savior, and she truly loves this gospel. 

Since Sunday was Mother's Day and we cover 2 wards, I heard a LOT about mothers and families! It made me so grateful for such a wonderful mother and such a supportive family! I love you all very much! I can't wait to be a mother and have a family of my own someday. Si'i was sitting with us in sacrament meeting, and her girls were all cuddled up next to me. They love us. Eventually they both fell asleep on my lap, one on each side. As watched them, I started to cry because I thought of how their lives will be different now since their mother has accepted the gospel. These 3 beautiful girls will probably go on to be baptized, live the gospel of Jesus Christ, be married in the temple, have callings, and raise families of their own. I was overcome with such love for these girls and I thought, "Father, I know you loves these girls so much. Thank you for letting me love them too." That's how I feel about each of our investigators, and how I know I will feel about my children someday. I'm just grateful for the love in my life, both that I receive and am able to give! 

The gospel is a gospel of love. Love is the motivator for everything we do, because it's the motivator for all Christ does for us. I have a quote that says, "Love is the great power to influence this world," and it's so true. Do all things with love. Without charity we are truly nothing. 

I love my Savior. I love finding others to share that love with. The Lord said, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." (John 14:15) If we are ever tempted to vary from that which we know the Lord has set for us to do, we just need to ask ourselves how much we love the Lord. Do we love him enough to graciously accept the gift he has given us as he has paid a debt we could never hope to pay? And do we love him enough to accept him as our creditor? And follow the terms he has set? And still be rewarded beyond measure though we stand as helpless servants? It boggles my mind, but I'm ever so grateful!!! The gospel is the atonement, and it is real. I love it so much.

I love you all and hope you have a fantastic week!

Love, Sister Porter

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