Monday, April 27, 2015

Week of Miracles! (04-27-2015)

Hello friends and family!

This week has been CRAZY! Just to share a few experiences...

I taught the restoration at a man's door step in 7 minutes and he invited us back. That was cool. 

I did a street contact through our car window to a man sitting in his car at a stop light. That was cool too!

My companion and I went to teach Peter, a middle-aged man who has been receiving the lessons for the past 3 months and is so ready except that he can't kick the alcohol. When we (and the 2 members we had with us) arrived, he was wasted. He spent the whole time crying and yelling. It was an adventure to be sure! Pray for him. 

I went on my first exchanges with one of the Sister Training Leaders. It was so fun! She really showed me what it means to work hard and have fun at the same time. I hope I get to serve with her someday. We had a lot of success! We did meet one man, however, who would not let us get a word in edgewise. He had some awful misconceptions about the church, and wouldn't let us clarify or correct him at all. All we could do was say, "We're sorry you feel that way," and walk away. It was sad. I think I've given at least 20 speeches to myself as to what I would have said if he would have let me. 

We made a break through with Danny and Erin! Erin is a member, Danny is not. They've been living together forever and have 2 kids. Erin hasn't been active for most of her life, but they've become very active together in the past 3-4 months. Danny wants to get baptized so badly, but he can't until they get married, and Erin is afraid of getting married because of a past divorce. It's so sad! And it's pretty selfish on her part, in my opinion. But we had a lesson with us last night where we invited one of the bishopric members, and we taught about the priesthood. We talked about having the priesthood in the home, and what a blessing that would be to their family. We encouraged them not to hold themselves back from the blessings that they could have. Then we offered that they could receive a priesthood blessing right there from Brother Hills, and Erin had actually been thinking about asking for one. It was perfect, and very powerful. The Spirit was so strong! I hope they have the faith to move forward soon. 

Yesterday in church we were singing the sacrament hymn, and there were 2 extra verses that never get sung. As we were singing I thought about how I would love to sing those verses. I had a YW leader in MN who hated it when we didn't sing all the verses to the hymns, and I ended up adopting that same pet peeve. You don't get the full meaning of the song if you don't! But I thought we probably wouldn't, and then we did!! Also, I like to read sacrament hymns to myself while the sacrament is being passed, and I came upon "Jesus, Once of Humble Birth," which is one of my favorites, but we seem to only ever sing it at Christmas time. I knew they choir was singing that day, and I thought, "It would be so awesome if they would sing this!" and then they did!! Heavenly Father knows me! And He gives me tender little mercies to show me that He's aware of me. 

Si'i's husband joined us for a lesson! Hopefully he continues to join us. She wants him to accept the gospel so badly. 

The theme for church yesterday in both wards we attend was tithing and fasting, and all of the investigators who came to church with us had had that same lesson just this week! That was a miracle. Quote from Sacrament meeting, "Fasting and missionary work are kissing cousins." Haha!

Being here is hard. I won't lie. There are dogs outside our apartment who bard all hours of the night. I'm tired a lot. My companion and I aren't clicking like I would like us too. The weather is bi-polar! I freeze and sweat several times in the same day. Getting up at 6:30 every day is not always fun. I miss all of you! But the blessings far outweigh any sacrifices I feel I'm making! I am stretching and growing like never before! (Thankfully not physically... I'm determined not to gain weight! They will not make me fat!) There is work to be done, and I am here to do it. I am loving being a missionary. I want all of my efforts to be consecrated to the Lord. Thank you for your prayers! I feel them every day. The Lord is behind this work. He give strength to those who follow Him! Keep on keeping on! I love you all!

Love, Sister Porter

"It's okay to be a glow stick... sometimes we have to break before we can shine."

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