Monday, May 18, 2015

Last week of transfer #1... What?! (05-18-2015)


This transfer has flown by! On Saturday we will be finding out if we are staying or going. Sister Martin has been here about 6 months, so she's feeling ready to move on. It's not super common to have more than one trainer (training lasts for the first 2 transfers/12 weeks), but a lot of people are thinking I will. I really don't know! 

So this week was...... interesting. Some eventful parts include a phone call that came Tuesday night around 10 after we had planned for the next day. A 47 year old investigator of ours sent a text saying, "Sister Porter, can you call me I have to ask you a question." As I was reading the text, the phone started ringing, so I answered it and put it on speaker phone so Sister Martin could hear also. This gentleman was calling to proclaim his love for me and ask if I returned his feelings! I told him I only had the most pure, Christlike attitude toward him and that I had no more feelings than that for him. He said that made him sad because he was really hoping that I loved him too. He went a little crazy after that, so we are no longer teaching him. HOWEVER, through him, we met Keith! Keith is this SUPER awesome 17 year old who absolutely loves the gospel, and we have set a baptismal date for him in June! The Lord works in mysterious ways!

Another interesting thing happened with a referral we had received... We were on our way to find this referral when we saw a woman walking in the apartment complex parking lot, so we started walking with her and talking about what we do, when she stopped walking she was in front of the apartment door we were about to go knock on! She was our referral! She told us she had been waiting for us to come for the past 2 weeks and she would love for us to come back! What a miracle! This woman seemed golden. Then we went back for the appointment and there was no answer. We left a note, texted her the next day (no reply), went back the next day (no answer), went back the next day (no answer even though we knew they were home)... then we went back a few days later and there was a sign taped to the door along with the card we had left her that said, "DO NOT DISTURB! NO THANK YOU!" I wanted to cry.

So, yes, this week has been a little discouraging. We are trying to get the members more involved in our work since we know that is the key! Please, remember the council of Elder Bednar! He said that the missionaries are to be full time teachers, and the members are to be full time finders! It would be amazing if we could just teach all day instead of feeling like we're wasting the Lord's time by going to return appointments where we just get stood up all day. Something that occurred to me this week is that in D&C section 4 when it says, "If ye have desires to serve God ye are called to the work," no where does it say anything about being between the ages of 18 and 26, being single, being a life-long member, or any of that! And then I read in the section heading, and realized that this was a revelation given to Joseph Smith Sr., a member missionary! So cool. This is an admonition to anyone who wants to serve God, and you can do it right where you stand. So do it!

Also, I read a talk this week by President Uchtdorf given in the April 2014 Priesthood session of conference entitled, "Are you sleeping through the restoration?" He talks about how it seems like everyone has the idea that the restoration is already over. The truth is back on the earth, we have the Priesthood back, we have the Book of Mormon, everything is good, right? NO! The restoration is not complete until the Savior comes again! The restoration is a restoration of bringing souls back into God's presence, and that is not complete until EVERYONE has heard the true gospel and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done! Isn't that what the gospel is for? Giving us access to God?

Something awesome from this week is that Si'i called us wanting us to come over and answer some questions for her about the restoration. We weren't sure what kind of questions she would have, but when we went over she said, "Sisters, how do I tell other people why I believe what I believe? How do I share my testimony about the restoration?" AHHH! So cool. She's the best. We need more people like her! 
Also, Edwin and Angela's kids, Tiyanna and Al, are going to be baptized by their dad in June! They are such an awesome family! I love teaching them. 

I love you and miss you all! Please help the work move forward wherever you stand! God needs us on His side!

Love, Sister Porter

QUOTE: "Today is the oldest you've ever been, and the youngest you will every be again." #deep

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