Monday, April 20, 2015

First week in Vegas! (04-20-2015)

Wow. There is so much to say! To wrap up on the MTC, it was amazing. By the time we left my district had all grown very close. It was hard to say goodbye to the ones not coming to Vegas with us, but after reporting to the travel office (at 3:30 am), a shuttle ride and two different trains to the airport, an hour and a half delay on our flight (due to a blizzard), getting my bag fully searched and receiving a full body pat down at security (my bag tested positive for explosives), sobbing on the airport floor while throwing away some of my favorite perfumes and lotions (totally forgot not to put them in my carry on and didn't want to pay $150 to check a third bag), getting my carry on searched a second time, and talking to my loved ones on a pay phone, we were on our way!
Landing in Vegas was awesome. The Mission presidency and the assistants were there to meet us, and we were taken to the mission home. Because we were so late we didn't get time to take a nap or relax much like other new missionaries get to on their first day. It was all just craziness. BUT! I met my first companion and she is fantastic! Her name is Sister Martin (pronounced Marteen) and she is from Mexico City. She didn't know any English before coming on her mission, but she does very well even though she still struggles here and there. She has been out for almost a year. She and Sarah actually reported to the MTC on the same day, but swapped countries! Pretty funny. She has been very patient and good for me. We are serving in Henderson in the Lake Mead Stake, Fairview and Calico Ridge wards, and we live in a very nice town home.
The weather has been great so far! It gets a little hot in the afternoon, but otherwise it's been perfect. Except the first evening I was here, we were out talking to people and I was freezing. Leave it to me to come to somewhere like Vegas and still be cold! Ugh. 

The people here are so great! I haven't even been here a week and I just love it so much! I love being a missionary. It's funny, because usually I just feel like Hannah. Like, everything feels very natural. It's not until I get recognized in ward council or people give me funny looks that I'm like, "Oh yeah, the name tag... I'm different now." We have several investigators and part member families that we have been seeing. We are so busy!!! We have two baptisms (Edwin and Angela - married couple, 4 kids but none of them are interested) on May 2nd, and another on May 9th (Si'i - from Samoa, 3 beautiful little girls, husband isn't interested, she wanted to wait until he would join with her but decided to go ahead anyway). They are amazing people! There are some others who we have been seeing who I have really clicked with. All the elderly men and I get a long fantastically! We have the same sense of humor haha... I don't even have time to name all of the others we are teaching! All of the members are so supportive and invigorated to do missionary work with us. It's awesome.
Well I love you all! I love being a missionary! I love the gospel! Pray always and take care!
Love, Sister Porter
"Decide what to be, and go be it!"

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