Monday, July 6, 2015

With great responsibility comes more responsibility! (07-06-2015)

Well, my heart is full. I don't even know where to begin!

Monday I received an email from my mission president, President Snow, saying that I will be TRAINING this transfer! I had a bit of a freak out moment when I read it, not going to lie! Usually missionaries don't train newbies so early in the mission, but I'm excited for the experience and I know the Lord will help me! Since I knew I would be training, we figured that I would be staying in the area for transfers, and that Sister Unsted would be leaving. Nope! I'm going to a new area (Green Valley), taking over an elder's area, and training all at once. Can I get an oofda?! I'm overwhelmed. In a good way. A little nervous. Wow. I just hope I don't disappoint and can live up to the faith and confidence that President Snow and the Lord have in me. I can't believe I've already been here 3 months. I feel like I just arrived. I'm devastated to be leaving my people here! I will miss them, but I'm excited for what adventures lie ahead!

We had a pretty great week! I just love talking to people about the gospel. People are much more open to it than you think they are, in general. Yeah, there's the occasional jerk who slams the door in our face or those people who just aren't interested, and we have to respect that. But really, I think the stigma of no one speaking about religion or politics really wears on people, and they want to ask questions. They want to discuss the things they don't feel allowed to talk about. They want to voice their beliefs, and it's great because as we discuss truth, the Spirit of the Lord can be there testifying to their hearts that this is a good thing. And that causes a desire for more. I see it all the time. Whether it goes very far or not is a different story, but at least a seed was planted. 

I hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July!!! I had the BEST 4TH EVER! Mainly because my dear, dear friend, Julie (who also served her mission here before I was called), came to visit and I got to spend a lot of the day with her! She went out with us to visit people, and it was great feeling like she and I could be companions for a day! She also brought me an amazing birthday package and a bouquet of flowers, so that was great!! We also attended a baptism that day for a young man I got to teach a few lessons to before we passed him off to the young single adult sisters. It was a great baptism, and I was filled with such gratitude for everything in my life! I still can't believe that I get to be here, doing this. I have been blessed to teach amazing people, to make fantastic friends, to know myself better... so many things. 

On Sunday in our first sacrament meeting we attended, a young boy got up to bear his testimony. He couldn't have been more than 6 or 7, but he bore one of the sweetest testimonies I've ever heard. A few words into it he started to cry uncontrollably. He was so overcome with his love for Heavenly Father, and I started to cry too. I wondered just how much harder I will probably cry when I hear my own child bear his or her testimony someday. Then in our second sacrament meeting, Ivan bore his testimony. He rolled to the front in his electric scooter and was brought a microphone, and as he spoke of his reverence and love for the gospel, and for the Savior, I just lost it. I was bawling, and I thought, "Maybe this is what it will be like when my own child bears his or her testimony." I was just so proud of Ivan. Also, Chris Cooper, a man who was baptized just before I got here, blessed the sacrament for the first time! We have been teaching him the new member lessons, and I have just loved teaching him! He is one I will miss dearly. 

I love you all! Pray always! Smile lots! Remember that the Lord is mindful of you in all things, and send a little prayer my way for all the changes that will be happening in the next few days!

Love, Sister Porter

QUOTE: "If you dwell on the things you're not, you'll miss out on the things you really are."

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