Monday, July 13, 2015

Onward, ever onward! (07-13-2015)

This has been the craziest week so far!

Last week we had a few funny experiences... We went to see a less active member, who ended up not being home, but her sister was visiting and wanted to know what we believed. She said she'd never been able to understand why her sister would join the Mormon church, but as she asked us her questions it was pretty clear she'd never tried to understand! We were able to clear up a lot of her misconceptions and teach several gospel principles. We gave her a Restoration pamphlet... but the funny part is that she held the pamphlet in the same hand as her glass of vodka, with a cigarette in the other hand, wearing a very scandalous dress, and swearing like a sailor the whole time! It was just amusing :) 

Just after talking to her, we met a woman at the bottom of the stairs who was walking down the street. I offered a pass-along card to her, introducing ourselves, but she just busted up laughing as she took the card and turning to her friend said, "This is the second time one of these fools has tried to give me a card with a blunt in my hand!" (A blunt is a joint)... and they walked away. I hadn't seen the joint in her hand when I started talking to her, but even if I had, I really wanted to yell after her, "Maybe it's a sign! You need Jesus!" But, of course, I didn't... Funny stuff.

I am now in the Green Valley Stake in Henderson, serving in the Quail Ridge and Fountains Wards! I am loving it! However, saying goodbye to all of the people I had taught was so hard! Ivan came to Bible study the night before I left, and he said, "I am very disturbed in my mind, and when I lie down to sleep I am troubled. I am not well." I automatically asked what was wrong, wanting to help, but he said, "They are taking my teacher from me." I couldn't hold back the tears. And when saying goodbye to Si'i, it took everything I had just to leaver her apartment. I didn't want to go. And Chris Cooper... We went for my last new member lesson with him before I left, and he was all happy until we'd been there about 5 minutes, then he remembered I would be leaving later in the day. He couldn't stop crying, and neither could I. It was awful, but I'm so glad to have these eternal friendships! I hope and pray that the members who are there and the missionaries who continue to know and help them will love them as much as I do! 

So, Tuesday we came to my new area to get my things moved into the apartment, only to find it wasn't dwellable! It was the dirtiest home I'd ever seen in my life. These elders had left it in shambles, and it took about 3 days to clean. And the A/C was broken. So, that was fun. The area books were also a disaster. We were told the elders who were here last really didn't do any missionary work for the last transfer, so we're practically starting from scratch. But I'm up for the challenge! I'm glad for the opportunity to help these wards. We were also told we would have to gain their trust, since they really weren't impressed by the last few missionaries. So far we seem to be on the right track! We already have a new investigator, and the bishops and ward mission leaders have been really helpful. I am so excited to be here!

I picked up my new trainee, Sister Maughan (Mon), on Wednesday evening, and she is so great! She's as cute as a button and has the best energy about her. She's actually a LOT like my sister, Sarah. It's uncanny. I'm not sure how to handle it haha... She even has the red hair! She is actually a visa waiter, and her calling is to Brazil. I try to help her use her Portugese as much as possible, but I can't really help her much! Luckily there are some people in our wards who either are from there or served there, so that will help! There is also a part member family where the wife, who isn't a member, is from Brazil and doesn't speak much English. Amazing! The Lord really knows what he's doing! 

I love you all! I hope you are each praying for missionary experiences and acting on them! I know it will bless your life and bring you happiness you didn't know existed! Far and wide we'll tell the Father's story, far and wide His love proclaim! 

Love, Sister Porter

QUOTE: "If you're not a full-time missionary with a missionary badge pinned on your coat, now is the time to paint one on your heart - painted as Paul said, 'not with ink, but with the Spirit of the living God.'" -Niel L. Anderson

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