Sunday, March 30, 2014

Happy Hannah

It was the first day of my English 101 class at Riverland Community College, and the phenomenon of being a freshman hadn't really worn off yet. In fact, it was at its peak. I couldn't believe I was in college! I was ready to conquer the world, read every single reading assignment my teachers gave me, and be the best student that college had ever seen. All of which proved to be equally impossible. 

Yet, here I was  playing a get-to-know-you game with my English 101 classmates like I was in third grade all over again. But it was whatever. I went with it. 

The goal was to create an alliteration using your name and an adjective to describe you, then be able to go around the room and be able to remember everyone else's. Some examples might be: Sloppy Sam, Fabulous Frank, Clever Chloe, etc. I probably could have come up with something more creative and original, but the alliteration I used was Happy Hannah. 

I'm a happy person, right? 

Well, mostly. Actually, if someone were to only read this blog and not actually know me, they may think I was a mostly miserable person. My blogs haven't been particularly "happy" lately. Sorry about that. I tend to blog when I'm frustrated. So sue me. 

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago I was having an absolutely terrible day. It was one of those, "I rolled out of bed on the right side of the bed. It's all of you stupid people who rolled out on the wrong side of the bed! Get out of my way! Can't you do anything right?" kind of days. I was just mad at the world, and I had no good reason. Which made me even more mad, because I know better than that. I needed an attitude adjustment. 

Really I'm sure it didn't seem that bad. I mean, I don't really get mad or take things out on people. It was mostly all just a storm of rage in my head. I hated it. 

It was a Sunday, and all through church I just wanted to bawl my eyes out. I wanted to go home and wallow in my misery and anger. Instead, I decided to make a list of everything I need to start doing on a regular basis to make my life better. It's not that I never do any of these things. I just don't do them regularly like I should. 

So, being the smart, educated, level-headed woman that I am, I created the "HOW TO IMPROVE MY LIFE" list.

  • Be in bed by midnight
  • Wake up by 8:00
  • 30 minutes of daily scripture study
  • 30 minutes of daily exercise
  • Keep my bedroom clean
  • Say my personal morning and night prayers
  • Delegate responsibility
  • Serve more
  • Talk to my family at least once per week
  • Make it to the temple at least twice per month

Pretty good list, eh? And I'm doing pretty well! All of these are well on their way to becoming established habits... except for keeping my room clean. I don't know if that will ever happen. 

So, yup. That's it. This post isn't super insightful or uplifting. It's just me trying to be a better person and be happy. I think it's working. 

Yours Truly.

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