Monday, April 22, 2013

Intrinsic rewards

Glenita the monster is practically complete. She is now stuffed and her legs are finished! I'll probably be finishing just in time for the end of the semester. Couldn't have planned it any better!

After watching the video "Half Man, Full Life," I've decided to relate it to the concept of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. The film highlighted the life of Jessie, a man who was born with lumbosacral agenesis. This mean that the lumbar section of his spine was missing and his legs and the nerves in that area of the spine never fully developed. The legs he was born with were eventually amputated and he was forced to function by walking on his hands or with the use of a wheel chair. Despite his physical handicap, Jessie never let it get him down or keep him from participating in anything and everything he ever wanted to do. Starting two businesses, installing satellite dishes, dating and marriage, fatherhood, swimming, and several other endeavors were never too impossible for Jessie to pursue. His life is an extraordinary example of not giving up and making the most of what you have. Jessie stated, "I'm not handicapped; I just don't have any legs."

In my opinion, Jessie is completely full of intrinsic motivation for the occupations he participates in. His determination and enthusiasm for life come from within himself as he seeks to find self-fulfillment through what he does and doing it well despite his disability. I believe that if more people were like Jessie and lived their lives to the fullest in spite of the challenges they face, many problems would be solved and people would be more satisfied as they experienced the intrinsic rewards brought about by such a good attitude. Intrinsic motivation and rewards are highly important for a satisfactory life. When I grow up, I want to be like Jessie.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Hannah, I am excited to see your little monster soon. Not all people with disabilities have the same intrinsic mindset that Jessie has. How would you motivate a person to take on an intrinsic mind-set in order for them to reach life satisfaction?
