Saturday, December 7, 2013

My very first Christmas News Letter

Growing up, we always got a whole bunch of Christmas cards from our beloved friends and family from all over the country, some more spiffy and some more plain. All of those letters and cards would then be taped to our sliding glass door, and every time we got a new one I would carefully shuffle all of the others around to fit in the new one. The end result was a very organized and coordinated puzzle of cards and papers of all shapes, sizes and colors. I really liked doing that, and I just knew that when I had my own family that I would send out spiffy Christmas Family Newsletters just like the ones on our door. 

Now I'm in this weird stage in life where I'm 21, I'm accomplishing a lot, and I've sort of become my own entity. I'm not married, and my family members are hundreds of miles away. I feel like I have full rights to composing some sort of Christmas newsletter, but single people just don't do that on their own. How conceited would that be? "Here ya go! I've sent you a couple pictures of myself, as well as a list of all my accomplishments and bragging worthy events for the year." I just can't really do that. BUT, a blog post I can do! And since I come from the age where everything is done through technology anyway, why not? So, yes, I get to put up pictures of myself and compose a list of all of my wonderful accomplishments for the year. But, the decision to care is totally up to you. I am in no way imposing this upon you or asking you to put my picture up on your sliding glass door. With that being said, let's talk about me!

I started out the new year chaperoning my little brother's youth dance. Oh, the joys of youth and the awkwardness it brings! And may I point out, most of them thought I was still a youth. Still in my awkward stage? Maybe. 

I then brought my little sister, Sarah, out to BYU-I and helped her get settled. It was fun to visit my old friends there and feel the amazing spirit of that campus again. I really, really miss it. But then I realized that what I really miss is what it used to be to me. It's different now, and it was at this point that I think I finally accepted Pocatello as home. 

I started my 2nd semester of OT school. Meh. 

January 30th was my 4 year cancer diagnosis anniversary. Crazy that it's been that long, right? And at the same time, it feels like it was forever ago. 

It was also in January that I started this blog! 

I was the accomplice and secret photographer for my friend Tyler as he proposed to one of my very first and closest friends her in Pocatello, Whitney. So much fun!

Those same friends hacked my facebook and switched my birthday. This gave me the opportunity to have two birthdays this year!

Not a happy time. As evidenced by this facebook status update from March 19th: "Pretty sure I had more life satisfaction and better occupational performance as a 16 year old cancer patient than I do right now as a fake graduate student. That's how much I hate this right now. Therefore, I'd rather have cancer than be an OT student at ISU. Something is not right here."

This was where I turned in my capstone project, and was told to rewrite it or get kicked out of the program. 

I rewrote it.

Probably the best thing that happened that month was my friend, Julie, coming from Twin Falls for a weekend to save my sanity. She did my laundry, made me tons of food, cleaned my apartment, did my grocery shopping, and so much more. She's my favorite person in the world. 

Capstone results came back, and I was fine. Still in the program. Woot woot. 

I graduated from Idaho State University with my Bachelors of Science and University Studies degree! I officially have a slip of paper representing everything I've learned in the past four years. Amazing. It was an awesome day. My family was able to come down from Washington to be here, bringing me the same cap and gown that my mom wore when she graduated from ISU. I'm so grateful for the awesome support they have been and continue to be!

I then moved on to my first fieldwork! It's basically an internship, but this one was only two weeks. I spent it in a nursing home here in Pocatello, and learned a lot while I was there. One thing I learned was that I never want to work in a nursing home. It just broke my heart to see the decline in the residents even in just the short time I was there. I need to work in a place where I see progress. 

On a more solemn note, we had to put our dog, Zion, down. Not sure exactly what was wrong with him, but he was going downhill really quickly. I still really miss him sometimes. 

Remember Julie? The one who came to my rescue? Well, she left on her mission. Why is this in my newsletter? Because she's pretty much my best friend in the whole wide world and having her gone impacts me greatly. But I'm so, so proud of her and happy she can be out serving the Lord in Nevada. 

Also, I got my first speeding ticket. Ugh. 

Other than losing my job at Mrs. Powell's Bakery, June was beautiful. It was so amazing to just have a chance to recuperate from the semester and breathe for a bit. I really did just play pretty much the whole month. It felt great to be able to work out, go to the temple, go out with friends, dive into my calling, and just do whatever the heck I wanted without feeling pressure to always be doing school instead. It really was just a fun, fun little break. 

I moved into a new place! It's a cute little apartment that is part of a house. It's just me and the beautiful Cami Wilson, and I love it. She has become one of my dearest friends.

I had a summer class I had to take, so that put a bit of a damper on my July. Research Methodology. Not the most enjoyable way to spend my time.

I had my actual birthday and turned twenty-one. So that's cool. No, I didn't go to a bar or do anything I might have to get carded for. 

Camille, Savannah, Jarom and I had a fun day out in Idaho Falls.
I got a new job! I now work for ALLIES Family Solutions. So I work with mentally and developmentally challenged kids out in the community. I love it. 

Also, my mom and some of my siblings came to visit for a few weeks, and that was super fun! They stayed a few nights with me in my little house, and it was wonderful. 

I got to go up to Washington for a few days! I really love that my family lives there. It is one of the prettiest places I've ever been. We helped my cousin get settled at college up there and just had a blast. I got to ride on a ferry for the first time, and we spent a day at the beach. Good times!

I started my second year of OT school, and I was pumped! I was ready to get back in it and start applying everything we'd been learning. I wish I could always have the enthusiasm that I have in that first week of school.

This was a good month. It was fun. I wasn't always the most responsible, and maybe I regret a few things, but it was still good. 

I took a trip down to Utah to see some of my close friends, Jeremiah and Kayla, for a weekend. That was way fun! Not only did I get to spend time with them, but we went shopping and I ended up getting like 5 new pairs of shoes at a killer price. Score!

I got to be in ISU's homecoming parade! My dear friend owns a bridal shop here in town, and asked me to be on their float as a bride. So much fun! We spent hours getting our hair and makeup done that morning, then got to wear gorgeous dresses and be praised endlessly as we passed by hundreds of people. It was fabulous. 

Got my wisdom teeth pulled. That was fun.

Halloween institute dance! I went as a baseball player and got to help my roommate, Cami, dress up as a porcelain doll. It was definitely a crazy night of much needed dance time with good friends. 

Also, I got thrown off a horse. I'm not sure I should be proud of it, but I kind of am. It makes me feel more accomplished in a way. I landed on top of a cactus, and I still have cactus needles in my side. It's fine. 

I got called to be the Relief Society president in my ward, a calling I am absolutely loving. I really, really love my ward. 

Thanksgiving was a wonderful week of catching up on school work and being with family. I went to Idaho Falls and spent Thursday and Friday with family there. I'm so grateful to have them so close and for the loving support and comfort they give me.

On December 3rd I was dismissed from the MOT program here at ISU. Not my proudest moment. I won't go in to great detail about it here. If you want to read more about how I feel about it, click here. Suffice it to say that I'm very disappointed in myself and can't believe that I'm in this situation. However, it is always better to look up, and I'm recognizing that this could be the best thing for me right now. I'm truly sorry for disappointing any of you, but I feel it should be pointed out that everything written in this newsletter previous to this paragraph was written before being dismissed from the program. So if my feelings which I have expressed about the program give you any indication of how I was doing and how I felt about it, you may understand my perspective a little better. This can be a good thing. 

My plans are to go home for Christmas, but come back at the end of the month and continue to live in Pocatello until I get things figured out. I have a job here and calling to fulfill. And honestly, Pocatello is more of a home to me than anywhere else right now. Past the point of coming back and working for a while, I'm not sure what the future holds for me. For the first time in my life, I don't have a plan. 

Scary? Yes. Liberating? Yes. 

Most newsletters have a conclusion, right? 

Here are a few things I've learned this year: 

  1. "Get up, dress up, show up, and never give up."
  2. Family will be there, no matter what.
  3. I can't do everything.
  4. My top priority should not be to make everyone else happy. 
  5. "Life is to be enjoyed, not just endured." -Pres. Hinckley 
Now that it's the end of the year, I don't know how great my accomplishments have been. And I'm not sure what I've accomplished. I'm not sure that I really even have anything to brag about. But that's okay, because at the end of the day, my family, my friends, and my Savior still love me. At the end of the day, there is still a tomorrow. And no matter what happens, I am blessed far beyond measure. I'm so grateful for everything I have and know. I'm grateful for who I am, and the things that make me that way. I'm grateful for humbling experiences that make me realize who I'm not, and who is really in charge. I'm grateful for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, and can in no way describe the depth of my love and gratitude for Him. It is through Him that I will reach my fullest potential, and it is enough to know that maybe I am not a disappointment to Him. In all things, I am His, and that right there is the most beautiful part of this Christmas newsletter.

Merry Christmas, friends. I love you all.

Yours Truly

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