Monday, January 28, 2013

My Debut

Hello population of the inter-webs! This marks a historic event in the life of Hannah Marie Porter: first blog post EVER! Thank you, thank you... It will be my pleasure to inform, entertain, and tickle your fancy through my posts of adventure and new undertakings.

So without further ado, I would like to introduce my new-found occupation of... drum roll please... CROCHETING!

Crochet: [kroh-shey, -shee] noun, verb
1.     needlework done with a needle having a small hook at one end for drawing the thread or yarn through intertwined loops.

2.     to form by crochet.

I once was told by a girl that she didn't like my name because she thought it belonged in the same category of names such as Margaret, Edith, Hazel, Agnes, Mabel... and so on. Old lady names. Choosing to learn the occupation of crochet almost makes me feel like I'm living up to that standard, but it's not going to be boring! I promise! My dear friend, Angela, is helping me in this endeavor and has shown me several different patterns she has made in the past. She's basically a pro. Who knew you could make so many things out of yarn?! Case and point: she is currently in the process of crocheting a bikini for a friend of hers. Crazy, right? And I apologize if this crushes your hopes and dreams, but that is not a potential project on my list of creations. So what will I make first? A monster! Just like this little blue guy (hopefully). I'm pretty excited about it!

My lovely friends, Whitney and Tyler 
came too for moral support.

I went over to Angela's house to begin this process the other night. Step one was to go through her books of patterns and decide what I wanted to make. It was a tough decision, but the good news is that I can make more than one thing! Which is great for me considering that I'm probably the most indecisive person to ever walk planet Earth.

Second, we picked some random yarn just so we could practice before beginning the actual project. I had learned a very simple crochet pattern when I was eight or nine, but I couldn't remember much about it at all; however, we all know that I'm a pretty talented person and a genius on the side, so I was able to catch on quickly.

Angela, Whitney, and Tyler
Crochet party on Angela's bed!

Next, I had to pick a color of yarn for my little monster. Luckily Angela was generous enough to let me choose from her stash - a cupboard overflowing with all sorts of yarn. This, also, was a difficult decision, but pink won out. 

Angela then showed me what to do and taught me a little bit about how to read the pattern, which is a lot harder than it would seem, and now I'm on my way!

In thinking about the continuum between personal and social meaning, I would say that most things we do are appointed to quite a subjective stand point on that continuum. As far as crocheting goes, it could very well hold a more personal or unique meaning if associated with a grandmother's pass-time  or done with the intent of creating things for loved ones, and I would venture to say that this is generally the case. It could fall on the more social end of the continuum if done for employment or as an obligation. Along these lines, it could be seen as an occupation of conformity if, as I pointed out earlier, it is grouped as an occupation for "old ladies." For me, I would definitely place it closer to the personal end of this continuum.

The aspects of my new-found occupation which relate to calculative thinking (thinking that plans and investigates) have to do mostly with the convenience of the occupation. Crocheting is something I can do inexpensively, and it can easily be implemented into my down time. It will give me an outlet to relax and let my brain lounge in its "nothing box" for a bit. The meditative thinking (contemplates meaning of all that is) portion of my decision has to do with my plans for my new creations. I'm hoping that much of what I make I can donate to a hospital, use as gifts for friends, and save for my own children to have someday. These things are personally meaningful to me, but I know that both my calculative and meditative thinking are subject to evolution and external influences. We'll see; the way I feel about my new hobby could change as time progresses.

As of now, hopefully I haven't messed up too badly without Angela here to instruct me. I guess we'll see when I go back to her for more instruction! Stay tuned to see the pink little monster grow.

Yours Truly
